2019              Prize for Architecture World Architecture Technal Award 2019, Tertiary Offices and Shops, (Business Center, Oliveira de Azemeis).
2018               Architecture Masterprize, Honorable Mention (Business Center, Oliveira de Azemeis).
2018               Prize for Architecture Palmarés Architecture Aluminium Technal 2018, Discover, (Business Center, Oliveira de Azemeis).
2005               Prize for Architecture lifts Enor 2005, finalist project, Single Family Housing in Pavia. 
2005               European Architecture Award Luigi Cosenza 2004, selected project, Single Family Housing in Pavia. 
2004               2004 FAD Prize, selected project, Single Family Housing in Pavia. 
2002               European Architecture Award Luigi Cosenza 2002, Special Jury Mention - recovery project Ilha in Aldas Street, Porto. 
2002               João de Almada Award 2002 Municipality of Porto, 1st Prize Project recovery of ilha in Aldas Street, Porto. 
1996               96 Young Artists, 1st prize ex-aequo architecture. 
1988               EASA 1988, Honorable Mention. 
1987               "I Mostra Portuguese Arts and Ideas", 1st prize ex-aequo architecture. 
2013                 Competition for the Project of the Business Center of AAE UI – Loureiro, Oliveira de Azemeis (co authored) 1 st Prize (built)
2005               Competition Europan 8 - Funchal, Madeira, 1st Prize. 
2004               Tender Ideas for Boosting Valley Archaeological Area Ocreza, 3rd Prize. 
2003                 Restricted competition for the development of playgrounds and areas adjacent Algueirão, Mem Martins. 1st Prize. 
2002               Competition by invitation for proposal for the design of the restaurants in the intervention program Polis, in Viseu, 1st Prize. 
2002               Restricted competition. Prior to the Consultation Draft of the Architecture Building located in Freguesia de São Paulo, Rua dos Mastros 3 a 7 – 1st     Prize. 
2000               Restricted competition for the Community Center Project, Laranjeiro (Almada) - 1st Prize (built). 
2001               Tender for the Preparation of the Draft Arrangement of Spaces Adjacent to the castle of Sines, 2nd Prize.
1999               Tender of ideas for the intervention of Urban Rearrangement in Cruz Branca Square, Miranda do Corvo, 1st Prize. 
1998               Tender for the Design of the Community Center and Adjacent Arrangement of Outer Space in Upper Fort / Serra das Minas, Sintra, 1st Prize (built)
1997               Tender for the design of the Project of the House of Culture and Coexistence in Mira Sintra / Cacém (co authored), 1st Prize (built)
1996               Restricted procedure to the selection of the team of designers to project planning of Conversion / Rehabilitation of Block J, under the Integrated Project of Largo do Chafariz de Dentro – Recinto da Praia / surrounding area, in Alfama, 1st Prize. 
1993               Ideas Competition for the Rehabilitation of the Church and Cloister of the Convent of S. Francisco at Santarem (co-authored), 3rd Prize. 
1992               Competition for adapting a building to Municipal Museum, Coruche (co-authored), 3rd Prize
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