The building parameters of the Business Center focus on the creation of a new building to support the Industrial Park activities. Its architectural character develops the combination of diverse perspectives and factors. Its materialization manifests itself in the design of the façade, in the relation of the spaces of the building and in the metaphorical presence of the "natural" elements of topography, the large green area and the variations of the light. The established relations are not static, but rather dynamic. We intend to establish relationships that are open, flexible, mutant and adapt to the life and use of the building and exterior spaces.
We developed the overlapping of the materiality and spatiality of the building with the abstract forms and the sensorial aspects that derive from the natural elements such as: the topography, the vegetation and the intensity of the light. The result materializes in the presence of a building that levitates over a void space and establishes the relation between the street and the green area. The image, next to an immaterial “artifact”, is obtained by the superposition and contrast between planes of great visual and luminous permeability with opaque and porous surfaces. The construction systems that make up the perforations of the aluminum facades, associated to the sequence of glass planes, give complexity to the different perspectives. The identity of the metallic materials articulates with the natural and constructed values of the place.
The shape and identity of the various spaces are constructed by the variations and overlaps that result from the blend of three elements: The natural and landscape structure of the place; The abstract perspective of the natural elements of the site and The architectural identity of the Business Center spaces. The result of this process is centered in a raised building that establishes the transition to the green park. The structure and space identity develops around the concepts of flexibility and spatial fluidity. The main lobby symbolizes the articulation of the different valences of the building and the relations with the business, industrial and cultural activity of the region.
Business Center da AAE UI-Loureiro | Oliveira de Azeméis
Competion First Prize
Pedro Mendes, Telmo Castro;
Colaboradores: Tiago Marcelino Cruz, Pedro Maia.
Landscape Architecture: Carla Moura, Lídia Silva
Structural Engineering,Water and Sewage, security and acoustics : Martins da Cruz Engenheiros Consultores
Electricity, Communications, AVAC and energetic certification: Auditene
Photographs: João Morgado
2014 -2018