An office space in Chiado, down town Lisbon, is focused on the organization of a multipurpose area of 150 sq. m. The office houses three work areas, a secretariat, a cabinet for the association president, a reading room/ library and a small auditorium. The separation between the different spaces is made by bookshelves in black wood of vengue until the height of 2.20m. Moving one of the bookshelves about 2.00m is possible to eliminate the reading room/ library changing the conference room into a small auditorium.
Client: Associação Portuguesa de Urologia
Architecture: Pedro Mendes, Adriano Pimenta
Collaboration: Patrícia Horta
Electricity: Sala de Desenho-Projecto e Serviços de Engenharia, Lda.
Building Contractor: Cunha & Silva, Lda.
Photographs: Fernando e Sérgio Guerra
2000 - 2001